Monday, September 15, 2014

G.W. Clayton and Crest

Recently a cousin told me that Doc Clayton was one of the first dentists in Sullivan County to begin recommending Crest toothpaste to his patients. It was 1956.

Around that time Proctor and Gamble had just completed the first clinical trial that proved that the addition of fluoride to toothpaste (Crest) was effective in preventing cavities! Here is an advertisement from those days.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Details in the Art of Michael Scaramuzzino

Take a look at the cover illustration of Moth at the Window. Pick up your copy or if look at the image online (

The moth is stunning. It was created by Michael Scaramuzzino, a professional artist, in Massachusetts. Michael is a graduate of the Montserrat College of Art in Beverly. He is passionate about pen-and- ink illustration and 3-D modeling. 

The moth was created with pen-and- ink and watercolor. First Michael draws the image in pencil. Although some artists freely sketch at this point, Michael tends to incorporate significant detail in this phase. Then he uses a Micron permanent marker to trace over the pencil lines and add additional detail to the illustration. In the final phase, Michael uses dry pan watercolors to ink the final work.

This is an example of Michael's pen-and-ink work for Astral Parasites, an exhibit at the Montserrat Gallery in 2013. Notice the incredible detail.

See more of Michael's work at

Friday, September 5, 2014

Mark your calendar for Woodbridge

I am kicking off the book tour for Moth at the Window at the Woodbridge Town Library on Tuesday, September 16th at 7:00 p.m.  I will be reading some poetry, telling a few stories, and showing a few pictures. There will also be a raffle for a free giveaway. I hope to see you there!