Monday, December 8, 2014

Moth in the Window - Now available at Etsy Shop!

I pushed myself to finally open that Etsy shop I have been keeping in the closet for the past year!

My inspiration was reading Lynn Krawczyk's Smudged Textile Studio blog and looking at her amazing website.  Then I noticed that she has a link to her book, Intentional Printing, at her Etsy shop. That was enough to push me into action.

If you would like to order a copy go to my Etsy shop!

This fabric collage to also now available on Etsy.
"Pieces of My Heart" - Fabric Collage by Mary Lachman

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Oxford Public Library hosts Moth at the Window

Last month I had a reading at the Oxford Public Library in Oxford, CT.  Dawn Higginson, the director, and her staff were wonderful, served pastries, and took photos. Thank you to everyone who braved the cold rain that night to come to the reading.

I am taking a short break from my book tour for the holidays but will resume soon. I will post the schedule for 2015 online at the website